Christina Gerber
Intuitive Healer
Christina never lost her childhood connection with the unseen realm. She has spent her lifetime building a relationship that allows the inner world to help her with intuitive knowledge and insights to discover the misalignments and incorrect directions you bring to the session, and they intuitively give her the tools to correct them.

As her healing experiences grew and she explored more avenues for healing, Christina developed her own eclectic, spontaneous and powerfully effective healing response to any given situation.
Before you come for a session Christina does extensive inner work with her guides and her intuition to better understand the root cause of the imbalance you seek to correct.
Christina is creative in her sessions and calls upon a wide range of inner work and outer experience to create an individualized, eclectic response and powerful session. As she follows her healing instincts and her vast knowledge of the session. As she follows her healing instincts and her vast knowledge of the human body and human psyche to creates a healing session that is like no other. It is just for you. Whatever the core problem you have, whether you know it is at the core or not, she will find it and apply powerful methods to help you begin the self-correction that is necessary to bring you back to wholeness.
Your session with Christina will be unique, effective and powerful.