Signs From Animals in Nature
Amakua in Action

Owls have always given me messages.
When I moved from San Francisco to Mt. Tamalpais, just north of the city, I was driving up the mountain to interview my new potential housemate and check out the space.
While I was driving Gertie – my forest-green ’68 Volkswagen bug (named after my Auntie) up the mountain, a beautiful, immense Great Horned Owl flew across my car – almost touching my hood with its belly and brushing the windshield with its wing!
Thanks to my owl friend, gracing and blessing my pathway, the first place I looked at was a perfect match for my needs!
WHOOO Are You, and What Are You Doing?

Barn Owl – Stopped me in my tracks!
Still looking for reassurance about my practice as “The Animal Angel” while walking in my neighborhood, I heard swooping, nearly silent, owl wings seemingly coming out of nowhere. I looked up, only to see the daytime raptor light down on the sidewalk, right in front of me, on the pathway.
The owl looked up at me, definitely stopping me right in my tracks
Seeming curious, it cocked its head to the right, and then to the left, then back and forth a few times, examining me in detail with each eye. It was really getting a good look at me from every angle. After a little while longer, this beautiful winged messenger flew off after this one incredible interchange.
Afterwards, I was rather dumbfounded. I have seen our neighborhood barn owl flying over our community pool while I swim at times – yet I had never experienced one that close to me.
I had to wonder, was the owl inquiring “What are you doing?” I had to ask myself that very same question!
I was in awe – and once again, I was filled with gratitude and a deep heart connection with our amazing animal kingdom. Thank you, marvelous owl, for bringing me a much-needed message from the heavens.