Sometimes animals and their families get a frightening message from their veterinarian’s office. When the illness or symptoms are a mystery, and it seems like there is no hope, this is when I get call.
When Susan called asking about and having me help with Casey, her “Wheatie” (Wheaten Terrier), she had to be carried up and down stairs after a “mysterious” leg pain nearly incapacitated her. She then stopped eating and digesting, and was seemingly “on her last legs!” At their last office visit, the veterinarian informed them there was nothing they could do to assist Casey!

I always want to know from my guides “Can we help them?” And “Is the animal family member about to pass over the Rainbow Bridge?”
The Archangels shared that Casey is fully looking forward to being the magnificent presence of joy and delight, for she has so much to give!” Whew!
I looked into some other dimensions and timelines to peruse a past life connection between the two of them as well. Most often I find we have been together with our animal family members before.
I did find some curses, devices and even an agreement Casey made to help her guardian heal so she unconsciously was pulling other dark energies in. This is not uncommon that animals seek to help their guardians heal, even to the point of taking on illnesses and dis-ease.These incredible creatures of compassion often need to be informed this is not their duty.
The Archangels helped me during our distance healing, and made sure Casey knew it was not her duty to heal her human.
Recently our Fairy friends (who I see as brilliant sparkling lights) have been helping me with my distance-healing animal clients (oh, and their Guardians too). These other-worldly, lilty-winged ones come in to reignite the communication skills with the guardians. They have amazing healing abilities as well.
I have even seen and introduced Australian clients to the Aboriginal fairies around them! So amazing.
These particular Fairies (here in Marin county), showed me how to open my hands and invite their healing Fairy Salve into my hands and apply this brilliant sparkling essence to Casey’s leg (whose Spirit body I was working on remotely, from my office). I asked Casey how she was doing?
Jut like with the Archangels, I hear the messages in my heart and I heard her say “I still feel a little tired, my joints and would love the Fairy salve.
This is so beautiful! Yes, it feels better already. The angels feel like they have given me wings and my smile is returning. I feel lighter and yes, my tummy would love the salve!
I then applied it to her Fifth Dimensional doggie belly for calming and healing.
Casey immediately began to smile, according to her loving guardian, Susan, and drank some water. In a short while she began eating again! I “heard” Casey thank us, the Angels, the Fairies, and especially her loving guardian for finding the right Team who could help.
I shared with Susan how to use Fairy salve, so she could take over applying it for continued healing.
Spoiler Alert: Our story has a happy ending!
After this clearing miracles ensued.
Soon they were both romping together in the fields of Marin and Mount Shasta again!