Are you like me, and you like to test your theories?
Perhaps you wonder: Is this idea or effort effective, assisting the greater good, or in alignment?
I am guessing giraffes are about the same height as angels – so they cannot miss them!
I am ever so curious as to how animals respond to Angelic and Universal Light Energy Healing.

While walking in our neighborhood, or when out on one of my amazing county’s hiking trails, animals and their guardians sometimes stop to speak with me. Often the dog will stand next to me and place their sore hip or shoulder right next to my leg, as if they are asking for a healing. Most often this is an unusual response and behavior, the dog’s guardian tells me.
Aren’t animals are a super litmus test — sensate beings sans belief systems or bias?
So when I went with a friend to Safari West Wildlife Preserve, just a little journey up the highway, I thought that giving an Angel Healing to the giraffes would be grand fun! They are so beautiful, what with those vibrant, cheery spots of different shapes and sizes! What is not to love when wearing an outfit like that?
After a fantastical tour and lunch on their grounds, I stood next to the gloriously large giraffe enclosure.
I brought in the energy of the Archangels (who asked to work through me) into my heart and hands, I sent it to Dozer, the largest fellow of the tribe. Soon his curiosity drew him closer to me. I extended the beam from my heart and hands to all of the other giraffe hearts and bits in their shared space.
Not along afterwards, another elegant and gangly-necked creature sauntered our way near the fence. Then another one would come over and join in. In unison it seemed, after some time they were swaying back and forth mesmerized. I pictured it as a little song and dance!
After a little while, the mammas came over one by one with their babies at their sides. They cautiously moved closer and closer. Now the whole herd was near me at the walkway fence. Other visitors were just watching this happen and some just passed by on the way to their next adventure.
There were six now, five had made a second row behind Dozer my new best friend.
I continued this for some time as I believe I was as entranced with them, as they were with the Angelic light. It was only 45 minutes or so and it came time for their caregiver to bring them in for their afternoon nap in the shade in the cool cement area. None of these mythical-looking spotted, gorgeously gangly creatures would move. They were all so mesmerized!
Initially, their handler tried to round them up and lead them inside, to no avail. Then another helper was seeing the unfoldment and they came to help. Still the herd was not budging. After a few more unsuccessful attempts to coax them, they radioed for a third person to help bring these tallest animals in the park inside.
Now there were three handlers coaxing, cajoling, tempting them with treats and (humanely) lassoing them with so they would move along one following the other. Slowly, after much hesitation, one by one they turned and made their way in. At long last Dozer, stopped our gaze, and swung around as the last of the herd to head in.
I was elated that they had as grand a time receiving, as I did sending this luscious energy.
Well, that was how Magical they felt the Angelic Healing was!
“Sayonara, pretty spotted beings! Have a lovely siesta in your cool bungalow.
May you all have sweet angel dreams!”