A Ton of Gratitude

Do you look for signs in your dreams – or in nature – like I do?
I like to program crystals to help me remember my dreams. I send the energy from my heart into these amplifiers to enhance that ignition.
Before sleeping, I also like to use different processes, reminding me that I can participate in – and guide – my dreams.
Before drifting off to sleep, I place myself in a protective merkaba, or angelic egg of light, and I run through this list to remind myself that I can be active in my dreams.
Do you have tools that you use to help you remember your dreams?
Here are some of my favorite tools.
Remind your conscious Self to remember these before you head off to Dreamland.
Look for any one of these in your dreams to assist you:
*What time is it? Look at your watch, or for a clock.
*What are you wearing on your feet? Look down and Notice.
*Look up and around you. Can you notice the weather – or the clouds?
Example: So, while looking at the clouds, say that your dreaming Self recognizes the cue.
That is when we can change the course of the dream.
Try it, and notice how your own experience – and the memory of your dream – improves!
I find my favorite tool is to remind my conscious Self to notice the weather as my remind before I drift off to sleep.
I was asking for a sign about moving forward with my animal communication skills. It worked.
I remember emerging from an arched doorway, and coming out from a seemingly ancient temple wearing colorful, flowing robes. I opened a dreamy set of rounded, wooden double doors, painted blue, green and gold. Descending the steep stone stairs towards the dirt pathway, I stopped after coming down only a few stairs.
A mother elephant came lumbering along the pathway with her precious, tiny, gorgeous baby. Noticing the small shape of their ears, I knew these were Indian elephants. They started to perk up when they saw me. Our eyes met. We all held our gaze with one another.
Their eyes were deeply seeing, like endless pools of knowing and compassion – all in one. I remember feeling like we had had some interactions before. To my surprise, they both kneeled and bowed down as if to say that we knew one another?!
Upon waking, I felt “Ah, ok, yes – our Animal Nations need our help!” after this acknowledgement.
What was I waiting for?
Today I understand that animals we meet are here reminding us to be compassionate, aware, and connected at the heart to Goddess Gaia! May we walk gently upon the Earth, emanating connection, kindness and love.
Everything we do affects 100,000 hearts around us! I like to use this as a focus, since reading the research of the Heart Math Institute.
I find that all of these synchronicities bring us another way of showing us how we truly have support from the Universe. Ask for it, then notice what response you receive.
I noticed the last few days this week, as I was participating in different groups, that I laughed more than anyone throughout the whole visit. Laughter filled about 80% of the time I shared with my friends.
What would you like to spread?

One of my favorite paintings in my office is titled The Element Earth (from the series The Elements: Earth Water Air Fire.) I keep it smack dab in front of me always, to remind me of how we are all so intertwined, and that all we do affects everything that is around us. It also helps me to stay grounded, preferably with a Ray of Gratitude! I love how Vickisa paints her dog Rosebud into every one of her paintings. Do you have any reminders that you use to hold yourself accountable, or to remind you how we are all divinely connected?
How can we contribute, and how can we help preserve our precious planet? Can we send our loving energy to others – to people, animals, plants, the elements, and elementals, in all directions? How are you choosing to be a creator – an inspiration as an active participant helping to lift yourself up, as well as others? We can do this together as a heart-centered tribe! Are you ready for takeoff?