My first cousin Jerry brought his fiancée, Katarina, to California from Kazakhstan, where they had met. She had chosen the first Russian chapel in California, in the town of Fort Ross, as the ideal site for their nuptials. Once again, I was to officiate at their wedding.
Prior to the bilingual service, I did a meditation and called in the Archangels as I stood near the edge of the cliff, overlooking the rugged cove. I grounded my heart into Gaia’s heart with a beam of gratitude.
The ocean waves were crashing on the rocks below, and I breathed in the flow of the elements—grounding and relaxing. Breathing more and more deeply in the sunlight, with a cool breeze upon my face, I noticed an extraordinary sensation of pulsing heart energy all around me. And it seemed incredibly loud! I brought up the grounding energy into my heart.
I was startled by a park ranger, who appeared out of nowhere right next to me. The ranger said she had never seen so many blue whales together, crowding into the cove. I looked down and saw five large blue figures in the water, far below my feet. It looked like a blue whale parking lot!

I must have been feeling their incredibly huge hearts, beaming up and surrounding mine with a Ray of Whale-Heart Love!
Later, after the ever-so-special service, I joined two favorite family members at an open area in the park to view the sunset. Just as we watched the sun dip into the ocean, I thanked the Archangels for their blessing on the service and the couple.
I sent that “heart beam” of gratitude into the sun. And then, one amazing, electric chartreuse “green flash” rose upwards into a few clouds above the horizon. And then another one followed—forming a lime-green lightning bolt!
Gratitude + Angels = Magic in Nature!