Goddess Gaia’s Heart Blessing
To Move Us into Our 5D Resonance and into Spring!
From a Series of Interviews on Moving from 3D to 5D

My Ceremonial Invitation
I prepare ceremonially, and I ground, before I invite Goddess Gaia’s heart energy in. I do my own chakra clearing and grounding, and I protect myself, as is my practice. I like to purify before sending her a heart beam of golden light and gratitude. I bring her a gift of vibrant light for all that she does, and then — and only then — I invite in her precious light, connecting hearts for grounding.
I sip some tea, and I might read some of my tea leaves. I like using essential oil hydrosols for space clearing and sniffing, along with pure essential oils (the Goddess’s essences, truth be told)!
I’ll even choose a few oracle cards, and do some toning and/or singing. And I might listen to some soothing recordings of ocean waves to bring myself to the present moment – or I may just channel, as I connect in silence.
To Goddess Gaia – Spring has sprung, and so have our hearts!
We would so appreciate receiving a Ray of your Heart Light to bring forth this Season of Light and to assist in moving us from 3D to 5D. We would be ever so grateful if you could!
Goddess Gaia replies, “I am delighted to send a Ray of Ignition and Reignition to move you forward into another stellar resonance, and to bring this delicious grid of light Up within you so you may rise up to a new level.
Breathe deeply down fully exhaling with a ‘Ho!’ sound.
Take another Breath and as you inhale, see the flow of golden light that is purifying, opening, yet expansive and grounding.
Now exhale with a full ‘Haah!’ sound. My goddess heart energy is filled with fire and with love. It serves to bring forth my smiling, joy-filled spirit.
Now I fill you with life, in this grounded flow of azure blue, deep browns, chestnut and amber, sparkling with red and orange brilliance. This light enriches you with a flow of inner strength.
Invite my brilliant, richly hued essence forth!
Call it in and bless it as you receive.”
NOTE: I stand and weave as I receive this light beam and Healing Ray, as I enjoy meditating while standing. I notice that my “Inner Sight” is filled with visions of flowers and trees (are those frogs and fairies, I wonder?) all coursing through me.
Now my legs, my spine, my torso, neck and head all feel as though they are igniting! It is spreading to my crown, to my eighth and Soul Star chakras. I sense and see fine, flickering licks of fire emerge as my hands, all of my energy centers and even my ears now tingle.
Thank you, Gaia!
I take a moment to reinforce this and smell some rich and luscious essential oils.
I like to ask them, “Which of you would like to come out and play today?”
I grab a few of the Earth essences who answer my query, as my fingers tingle over those specific aromas. I breathe them in deeply, then apply them to enhance my reception. Most often I dab them at the top and base of my spine, at my temples and at the back of the base of my skull to open myself up.
Goddess Gaia: “Bring my Blessing Light Ray into your space, into your blessed being from below. Then, breathing upwards, reach with your arms out or above and allow it to flow around and through you as your inhale invokes all parts of your being to swim in this river of pulsing light.
Take one deep breath and notice how far within you my heartfelt spark of creation opens you up. Do you sense it igniting you?

Does this Blessing Ray make your legs, all of your parts and bits, and your spine and torso tingle?
Allow this magnificent flow to open you up on every level as it courses through all of your bodies. It may feel motherly – as I am just that! I am here to nurture your vibrant growth.”
NOTE: I brush the sides of my body upwards, enhancing the invigorating sensations.

“Now see this Light Ray for moving into a lighter vibration, lifting you up as I add Crystalline and Rainbow Rays into the mix. It may feel as if every cell is regenerating and sparking anew – as they are.
Allow my river of Heart Light to swirl in a counterclockwise flow once again, through and around you.
You may notice that you are smiling as you reconnect to the Sparkling Living Light grid all around you. Doesn’t it feel welcoming? It is a safety net as well.
The Fairies delight in participating, as they weave their own heart lights into and around you in this web of delicious and vivacious loving light.
This process of simultaneous release and regeneration assists you in receiving a new level of recognition, of awareness of possibility, all around you.
May this level of delight – and your ability to relish the heart connection – bring you into a forward flow, and create momentum into the opportunities that are sprouting up all around you. THIS is one new level of emergence.

Feel into this cosmic boost, so it spills into all of your intentions and creations.
We are adding another level of reception, rekindling your primal flow, connecting to elements, to the weather patterns all around, so you may notice that you are a part of all of this and you are appreciated. This is my expression of just that!
How does this make you feel?
You have limitless potential! You are connected to these other realms of light.
Call in the vibrational healing, invite it in and receive it, as it is in perfect order.
You are meant to be supported by this interwoven Universal Flow of Living Light.
You are a significant part of this light tapestry.
We are now weaving this spiraling light downwards, creating many DNA-like intertwining beams all around and through you. This is expanding into a secure cocoon of light, connecting back to my deeply rooted love for you.
You can just notice and be a part of this with your breath. You can even use some tones, or vowels, or hum some notes to help yourselves vibrate to release and receive if the colors, or shapes are not vivid for you.
We all sense energy, and light, and different dimensions in our own way. Your own individual way of receiving is just right.
I invite you to rise up and feel the embodiment of these energizing resources from me, and through your interwoven grid of light, as we are inseparable.
Speak your truth, and reach in deep to feel my rooted support, as it resonates from your heart.

May these Rays of brilliant Light replenish you, fill you with renewal and clear out any stagnation previously held.”
Live, Love and Be Love –
Goddess Gaia
As you notice with many of us who witness Gaia’s brilliance, with the different visuals you see here, we all have different experiences.
Enjoy the experience that you have, and honor this interconnectedness. We look forward to finding out how you share your messages.