Curiosity Opens Multi-Dimensional Doorways
I remember connecting with Fairies as early as age three. In kindergarten, at slumber parties, I channeled dead people.
I had seen my dad die from a heart attack, at the dinner table, when I was only two. This left me with so many unanswered questions!
Did this propel me to look into other realms to expand my awareness? I think so!
Now I facilitate multi-dimensional clearings and healings for animals, people and placesin which Fairies, Archangels and Ascended Masters assist as catalysts for miraculous change.
Along these lines, I thought, who better to ask about healing from trauma than Goddess Gaia?
Divine Feminine Recharges and Reignites Within Us
Goddess Gaia: I am an expert in rebirthing from a traumatic event to a re-emergent Self. Daily I notice traumas moving through, and in and around, my Chakras, Spirit and Heart, and my Living Grids of Flowing, Sparkling Light.
Sharing with you – this is something – this Divine Feminine rises up from within to blossom as a new and sensual flower of Living Light.
Sounds can help you emerge anew. As you exhale with sound – sing, hum or tone – you allow more cells to release and reawaken, opening you to a fresh new experience. I love hearing whales resound deeply in the waters. I hear the songs of flowers and plants, even the deep notes of trees.
You may see each new light reappearing from within, opening like petals of a flower. Dive deep within your heart.
It is easier to feel the living, loving light of essences, to come through with breath and meditation.
This brings us back home.
Deep within us is the ability to expand as a welling up of our vital force. You may notice an opening, filling with light. A soft, buttery, golden beam – sparkling with white and gold – may emerge. Invite in a Rainbow Ray for calming and easing this phase of regrowth.
Feelings of Peace and this Loving Light may sprout within from your heart. Allow this sense of ease to move into each chakra with deeper breaths.
It may sparkle with the sounds of birds chirping, leaves blowing in the wind, your animal family members as they, purr, whimper, munch or nuzzle.
Smelling aromas brings forth another level of awareness to all parts of your being. Flower essences and essential oils bring a deep and sensual connection for me. Breathe them deeply, apply them and notice how they affect different parts of your body. Apply them to your head, heart and spine to add another level of reawakening.
So many animals lift my spirit as they create their own songs of light and love with gratitude.
Listen, and bring healing sounds within, then move them through your body. We regenerate with these cosmic vibrations.
Movement is key to dislodging the old patterns and parts that hold on to another time. Shaking and dancing, and allowing sound to move from within to without, creates another wave of juicy being.
Allow more awareness to come into your body, so you re-emerge with a new outlook. As we engage our senses, appreciate connections with our senses as we are igniting other levels of perception, opening and allowing.
Expand outwards to other levels of perception. Noticing stillness, levels of our emotions as they flow and change, even changes in temperature (internally and externally) as well as our levels of energy are all ways to engage and recharge. We can appreciate how we move from one level to another.
Engage by using protection, light rays and sacred geometry as means to set boundaries. I breathe and create crystalline merkabas around my being.

Colors change how I feel, and I notice how rainbow colors activate and balance me. I expand colorful rays of light and energy outwards, as a blessing to others, as my heart energy shares life with all.
Our hearts connect. I send this out to other celestial bodies, galaxies – even to other universes. Sending love and colors outwards from my heart with intention allows me to expand, grow, shed layers and participate in life and love more fully.
This activation creates flows, waves and surges of this pulsing life into our connecting grids of heart energy all around us.
I reach out as this expands connections to all elements, and to our precious elemental beings. We weave a living, breathing matrix together.
We are creators!
Choose to be active and reactivate, as a means to evolve.
What is possible?
Thanks, Goddess Gaia!