Blessings from Gaia and Metatron
Gratitude check!
Do you have a gratitude practice?
I often feel so grateful I send blessings and healing Rays to the planet.
I like to create ceremony using, toning (different spontaneous notes) or humming, along with applying essential oils (I ask which one want to come out and play!) to my temples, areas of my spine, heart and feet. I also create a Merkaba of light to create a protected space and ground my heart into the earth, connecting my heart to my guides and to the Divine. These are some basic set ups I use when I am upon a journey of light.
My conversation with Goddess Gaia went something like this:
C: I feel the light, the intense love and appreciation of your heart! I send a beam of blessing and gratitude of Ruby and Golden light to your heart, Goddess Gaia.
It expands like a root system, then flows throughout the planet to all recipients — water, earth, metallic riches, air, wood, fairies, animals of every shape and size — and people, please — with so much love.

GAIA: Gratitude received!
In response, she sent this!:
Gaian Blanket of Love and Appreciation
OK! Also with gratitude, I am bringing forth brilliant, counter-clockwise swirling Rays of Orange and Blue from beneath you, bathing you and your auric field with juicy invigorating purifying light. They dance around you, and if you notice you may hear or feel the Sounds of the Spheres and my precious heart beat. They now come within a golden swathe of light.
It looks much like an Angelic Vortex-turned tornado!
(Note: The Archangelic Team I work with (Metatron along with Archangels Ariel, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael) gave me some Vortex Healing Rays, which she is referencing. Stay tuned!

It is moving up and outward and all around you. Notice the flows moving through your blessed being with your breath. Take some time to revel in this, as it comes from my heart to yours. This is from my heart, thanking and blessing, moving up and out through all of you, counterclockwise, to fully release even more. There are so many tones and deep brilliant hues of orange — and deep azure and pale blues and golden beams swirl in with them.
It serves to open up the channel to vacuum all corners. Now you can sigh, with relief! It is moving up and outward and all around you. Take some time to revel in this, as it comes from my heart to yours.
Gaia’s Grounding and Refilling Ray
I will be giving another beautiful Ray of Healing and refilling.
I send you the Platinum Ray of Light sprinkling down clockwise around you. It may tingle and ignite your blessed Being. Now I bring forth swathes of Golden and Clear Rays, sparkling and soothing all of your bodies. Continue to breathe, noticing any subtle differences.
Breathe this in with some deep grounding breaths, as you can imagine yourself expanding and growing connecting with me like a mycelium network of Love and Light.
Using lower, deep notes will assist your reception of this as well.
This will help to stabilize, enhance clarity, bringing in more ease and peace. Do this daily or more for a week and you will find it enhances your stamina and brilliance.
This co-creation is now a balancing structure of light for your thoughts and activities so they can be accomplished with ease!
from Goddess Gaia
I also feel it is appropriate to share a Healing Ray from Archangel Metatron as I will be publishing a series of the healing Rays from him.
Metatron Healing Rays
Introduction to Metatron Healing Rays:
These Metatron Healing Rays allow individuals to heal, to center, and to explore their own capacity with greater spirit and divine connection.
It allows the process to happen in a grounded and protected manner, so each recipient can blossom feeling their divinity
First Ray – Golden Lotus
Symbol: A Golden Lotus in the base of a three-sided pyramid.

Intention: This is All Love, and this is consummating our bond with one another.
Metatron: To begin with, we shall initiate the session with your own energy connecting to mine. We will do this by allowing you to receive a special healing to begin the flow.
Breathe fully and receive now: it is that simple.
This creates a mushroom of energy in your lower chakras.
Breathe this in fully. Then an hourglass forms, which allows you to receive my energy slowly. It also moves from the inside outwards — soothing, massaging and bringing forth a new dimension of light.
C: It felt as though I was gradually filling up, and then I was able to receive more at my own pace.
METATRON: When we give this to others, you can place your hands at their crown and their bellies. Imagine you are doing that with them if you are sending it to them over a distance.
This is a Golden Lotus — a blossom of love that lights down clockwise into your crown, igniting each chakra, until it resides at your root chakra. It opens and closes and rotates with your breath, and it enhances any humming or other sounds you choose to use. Allow this to resonate within for as long as the Lotus feels as if it is activating you — this is living, growing, and breathing.
C: Perched atop a stool and sometimes standing up, I sensed the electrified energy pulsing through my body. Then it shot out my fingers. It felt as if my whole body was being energized. I moved from side to side like the clapper of a bell. My experience was so invigorating. The flowing Rays of Light moved up and down — and circulated and expanded outwards, then within — feeling as if they entered the nucleus of every cell. I most definitely connected with something much larger than myself!
Notice now that the transparent roots of the Lotus allow you to ground. Once you feel it slowing and settling at your root, I will place a magnificent, three-sided Golden Light pyramid over and around you, encapsulating my energy within.
C: I saw an all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid. My spine moved forwards and backwards in an “S” movement. This evolved into an infinity or “figure eight” flow.
I received this standing up; my legs moved in a circle beneath me. I was like a snake in motion, or was I floating in a sea of cosmic unctuousness? I heard different symphonies that changed. They were subtle, as if Galactic Fairies were playing instruments.
Aromas of what I imagine Crystalline Venusian flowers would be like wafted around as I received this connection.
My whole body moved as if in a DNA swirl: My head leading, then my body moving in a natural “S” formation. I saw the inside of a seed as if it were a beginning and an end.
Receive this with my divine Light and Love,
C: I did, and I felt just that — Divinity incarnate! Thank you, Metatron, for this unified heart connection!
May these energetic shifts assist you on all levels. They are simple — yet potent.
Did either of these serve you?
Do you wish to share your own experience? “We” would love to know!
Would you like to receive more Light Rays?
What is possible? Send me a note here:
Hello at ChristinaGerber dot com.