A friend mentioned she “worked with” Archangel Raphael. Wait! What? I had to wonder, did I even believe in angels?
We all like experiments, right? I definitely needed to satisfy my curiosity about this angelic experience! It sounded pretty cool.
So I grounded and put my personal protection in place, so I would feel solid in my auric field before I did anything.
Then I invited in this Being of Light to check it out.
I was standing at my computer, as I usually do, and then I felt a big chill on my left side. Then a feeling of lightness. And was there a fluttering sensation around me?
Next I felt like I was being lifted off the ground! Could this be real? I sensed a presence – and gentleness – along with a deep and penetrating heart connection. It is hard to describe, yet there was a feeling of an elevated frequency about me – and it extended to me.
Not too long after this, I “heard” Raphael ask if he could “speak” through me. Whoa, hold your horses! “Wait, is this religious?” I had to ask. He assured me that angels are “spiritual, and not a part of any religion.”

I gave it some thought, and after a few days
of weighing pros
and cons, I listened to my heart.
I decided this sounded interesting and fun – and I could check out this new job description!
Archangel Raphael Brings in the Red Ray, Acrylic on Canvas, Christina Gerber
Just a note here – I thought it was very kind that Raphael asked my permission. Know that when “beings” are looking to visit, or you are beginning to channel them and you invite them into your auric field, you may wish to confirm and inquire, “Are you 100% of the Light?”
Our relationship developed. I took myself to “Angel School,” channeling messages every day. Archangel Raphael introduced me to Archangel Michael. I learned about their very individual energy signatures.
They then introduced me to Archangel Gabriel. After I asked, “Where are the females?” Archangel Ariel joined us. In a while, Archangel Metatron brought his voice to the Archangelic Team. In my experience, he is the “leader of the pack”(!)
The more I listened to their messages – and even invited them in for healings with animals and people – miraculous changes abounded. Physicians and veterinarians had no explanations for their patients’ cancers going into remission – or other undiagnosable symptoms, illnesses or dysfunctions disappearing. The most common response, whether it was for the humans, cats, horses or others, was ”Whatever you are doing, keep it up!”
As this became a working team relationship with the Archangels, with me as facilitator, we all served as the catalysts for changes with many creatures and people.
Or did we?
Then this happened.

Please know that before I participate in any multi-dimensional clearing or healing (with humans, animals or physical spaces), I ask the Teams if it is appropriate to work in this capacity. I want to come from my heart – with confidence that we can do what I believe we can do.
Years ago, I began caring for Jane, who needed 24-hour care as she was preparing to have surgery for brain cancer.
This was diagnosed in a unique manner. She was stopped by a policeman while driving erratically. He looked in her eyes, and somehow recognized the signs of a brain tumor – as his daughter had showed the same symptoms! “Officer Angel” called for an ambulance, and Jane was rushed to the hospital.
Interestingly enough, I was introduced to Archangel Ariel at the very moment this was happening. Coincidence – or a message?
I researched some compatible therapies, since I needed to run all protocols by Jane’s family and the neuro-oncologists. They okayed different treatments, like macrobiotic cooking and mega-dosing (internal and external) with Frankincense essential oil. The team of researchers, at this teaching hospital, found that Frankincense is a superb oxygenator that penetrates the blood-brain barrier. This is one “missing link” of standard chemo treatments – so they were impressed!
Jane survived the chemo, and I began treating her with Angelic healings and massage. We were sure we were well on the way to recovery.
However, at her next hospital visit, an MRI showed five more large-celled, rapid-growing brain tumors.\
Whaaat? Upon receiving the news, I “ called out” the Archangels on their healing, and asked them, “What the heck???” They answered, “We are transforming the cells as we speak.”
As you may know, the Archangels want to be asked – and also given assignments – so they can indeed be of assistance. I encourage you to take your guides to the next level, work with them as team members, and ask them to work together so you can have a greater impact. Perhaps you too can help others – affecting plants, animals and even ancestors with your intentions – while sending energy from your heart.
A couple of weeks later, the next MRI showed no sign of any cancer whatsoever! The doctors were sure it was because of the radiation. However, we assured them she’d had none. We looked at one another and smiled.
Perhaps there was something to those angels reaffirming that their healing was in fact happening? Thanks, Archangelic Realm. You rock!
The physicians would call Jane the “walking miracle” whenever she would visit their office.
This enabled Jane (my mom!!!) to live another 25+ years, and she almost made it to celebrate her 101st year.
As the years went on, and I expanded my “team,” she continued to be receptive to hearing from the Archangels, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and Goddess Mary – a spiritual connection (not religious!) that we shared.
Developing this relationship with Metatron and the Team has helped me greatly as a five-time birthing doula, and more recently, as a five-time death doula.
In this same state of inquiry, I have developed my clairvoyant and clairaudient (hearing) abilities to yet another level.
We can all stay in this state of curiosity as the creators that we are!
Let’s all continue to ask, “What is possible?”