My Journey Begins With Two Marys
By Christina Gerber
The Two Marys (Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary) were formally introduced to me by Archangels Raphael and Michael, with whom I had been working as a conscious channel for a few years.
Individually and gradually over a span of five years, “The Two Marys” appeared to me, and they requested my permission to work with them. Once I became acquainted with their energy and intention, I decided I would indeed assist them.
I can highly recommend working with Light Beings and or Ascended Masters who ask permission.
“The Two Marys” asked me to share my experience of connecting with them. They requested that I introduce them to others and initiate that divine connection, so that many people could receive their healings and blessings.
This initial connection would then allow readers to connect with them in their daily lives. Goddess/Mother Mary asked me to help “The Two Marys” enable individuals to hear their message and allow for the reader’s own personal Ascension of sorts.

I asked several artists how they embody and invite in the Divine Feminine. I am still populating the page with their pieces.
Female Buddha Emerges on a Lotus/ Bodhisattva
By Christina Gerber

Mary Magdalene describes herself as the “Healer and the Keeper of the Earth.” Specifically, I have found that Mary Magdalene assists in healing and connecting the sexual and spiritual Selves with Gaia, and with the divine, while strengthening intuition.
My personal experience is that Goddess or Mother Mary assists individuals by connecting with, and healing relationships with, those who have passed on, human or animal. She also connects the divine, and the sensual, Spiritual Self with Gaia.
What follows is the continuing unfoldment of this process: in readings I have done for groups, posted online, and received myself.
Words from Goddess/ Mother Mary for the “Two Marys”
Mother Mary: I would like to let you know that this is the ideal time to begin this work with us. It also represents a perfect time for compassion on the planet. There is an immediate feeling of rest and relaxation as you come to acknowledge my words, visitations and energy. Since you all assimilate on different levels, it is important to know that my vision will come to you all in different ways. There is no right or wrong. I also wish to allow for another level of understanding: it is an accepted level of sharing of Self and loving of others unconditionally. This will allow you to continue working with love of Self, and sharing that concept with others.
My words allow for a self-realized love that spills out onto others and permits absolute healing. It is the essence of simplicity and love, and it allows for a great acceptance of many, by many, and for many. This creates a unified group of intentional or prayerful, loving and spiritual people who also assist with this new level of Energy Ascension.

May you take this light from the two of us Marys as one unit into your heart, and also allow for the slow adjustment to this high level of light.
Welcome in the shared energy of the Two Marys, each one complementing the other Mary as if to say we are one – yet we are two separate energies.
Notice the difference as you call in our light and Being and observe how it affects you.”
CG: Now I personally invite you to do just as they suggest, and notice how their energies affect you as you read the following stories, as this is how it unfolded for me.
Mary Visions:
My First Initiation With Mother Mary
In early August 1999, I went to Meryemana, the House of Mary, in Ephesus, Turkey, while on a Total Solar Eclipse and Goddess Sites tour. In keeping with my usual spiritual practice, I did a meditation at each of the sacred and ancient spots we visited in Turkey to connect with the energy of the site.
As I sat in the front left corner of Mary’s tiny stone house and closed my eyes, tears began streaming down my face. I was not sobbing, nor did I feel a great deal of emotion. Yet the steady stream of tears flowed like rivers, soaking my clothes. I imagine it looked much like the well-known picture of “Our Lady of Sorrow,” with tears pouring out of Mother Mary’s eyes.
In my mind’s eye, I saw a beam of white light pour down in front of me. I basked in it. It was warm and tender, yet there were tingling and cooling sensations simultaneously. Pale blue robes appeared, gently wrapping around the white light and around me, and with each color of light, I felt a different sensation. It was gentle, light and comforting. I looked more closely and a face appeared. It was Mother Mary.
She “said” that these were tears of joy, which she often cried when people came to visit, for she knew that many people would associate her home with “Spirit.” She also cried tears of sorrow for those who did not connect to the Divine or Christ Consciousness.
I came out and sat in a café, waiting for the tour group to appear. I realized I was trembling. I had received such a powerful influx of energy that it took me hours to assimilate it. Even the next day, I felt as though there were a live wire running through me! Everything seemed magnified.
Guadalupe Visitation
In December 2000, I was traveling in Arizona. A friend I was visiting in Tucson suggested we tour the nearby Mission of San Xavier. The date happened to be December 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I had not yet learned who Our Lady was or what she looked like, but when I closed my eyes and meditated in the church, everywhere I looked I saw a dark-faced woman in very colorful robes: violet, orange, blue and gold with a pattern of stars, her whole figure glowing in gold.
I was wondering why I had that vision. I squinted (with my eyes closed) to make sure I was “seeing” it correctly. After all, every statue in this church represented Mary with a white face, cloaked in blue and white robes. I was bewildered!
Then we toured the well behind the church. There I was astonished to see a mosaic of the very same woman in my vision, the dark-faced figure who had shown herself to me throughout the church. It was Our Lady of Guadalupe, dressed in her brightly colored flowing robes.
In the mission’s original 12-foot-square building, a mural on the wall behind the adobe altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe depicted a colorfully robed woman. Once again, she was the dark-skinned Mary who appeared to me in the church.
Among Latin Americans, Our Lady of Guadalupe is a cultural icon, representing hope, safety, change and empowerment. Her azure cloak is filled with stars, with golden rays shining behind her; she stands on a crescent moon held aloft by an angel. Truly she brings a universal light to the Mother aspect of Mary with a face of many hues – representing people of all colors, creating a Mother figure for all.
The Mary Message
In May 2001, I attended a healing workshop in Portland, Oregon. I did channelings there for the Energy Healing group, and afterwards, John, one of the participants, looked me in the eye and informed me with great certainty that I should speak to Mother more often. I was certain he had misunderstood, since I had been speaking about my own mother while sharing a story. He replied, “No, I meant Mother Mary.”
I was rather perplexed by John’s comment, as I did not relate to this aspect of religion. My spiritual practice honored Ascended Masters, Indigenous Peoples, and Goddess, Wiccan and Buddhist traditions as well as metaphysical downloads and meditations. Truly, I did not know how much foresight my new friend had, until several years later.
Goddess Mary Initiation During the Venus Transit of 2004
On June 8th, 2004, I listened to an invocation and meditation for the Transit of Venus. Astronomically, this was the day that the planet Venus appeared to move across the face of the Sun for the first time since the 19th century. Symbolically, the feminine energy of the planet Venus was revealing itself as she transited the masculine energy of the Sun. During this extraordinary event, the fiery backdrop of the Sun’s face served as a glowing frame for Venus, focusing our attention on her enlightened journey. Some astrologers consider Venus the Divine Feminine and Goddess presence.
I lay down on my office floor near my computer and proceeded to relax and breathe. The intention of the invocation was to bring a greater feminine presence onto the Earth, as this was a time for heart-opening, and for an uplifting light to appear on the planet which would greatly affect the “collective consciousness.” As I listened to the inviting, calming and soothing words, the meditation mentioned Mary. In my mind’s eye (or was it?), a translucent, pale blue-and-white diamond appeared in the room. As it lighted down about me, I noticed gold flecks in it. This double pyramid enveloped me, then seeped into my body deeply as I quivered with this magnificent presence.
Next, this vibrating flow of light energy flowed outwards and inwards. It pulsated repeatedly like this for ten minutes, inwards and outwards, allowing me to assimilate it. The shimmery colors gave me tingles as each pulse moved through my body, so I could sense it as it flowed to my core, and then back out to the outer reaches of my aura (as I imagined it would be). It felt like it stopped at the surface of my skin, and then the pulsating diamond – like a living, breathing heart-diamond – began to move inwards again.
I sat up and typed at my computer, allowing Mary to speak through me. She confirmed that this was indeed her energy, and if I chose, we could work together to bring a greater feminine presence onto the Earth.
I was a little stunned that this magnificent power had just coursed through my body, but clearly, I had received an initiation. I was not quite sure what to do with the information at that time, but soon, very soon, I would learn much more.
The story continues, as you can imagine.
Reminder: On this learning journey, when inviting in Beings of Light, prepare by using your Psychic/Spiritual protection, grounding and qualify by asking this new energy, “Are you 100% of the Light?”
I can highly recommend that you take notes or create a drawing so you can remember the mental, physical, visceral experience and notice the characteristics of the specific energy signature.
Would you like to share how you connect with the Divine Feminine as a practice?
Reach out to me, as I would love to interview you about how you embody, learn, grow and assist others with this magnificent healing frequency.
It may be a podcast, or a multi-author book – who knows, as it is still evolving.
They will guide us, I am sure.
The future is ours to co-create and we can assist by uniting and spreading this evolutionary change for healing, love and unity.