Christina Interviews Clare the Existential Cat
My client asked me to find out if it was time for her cat to cross over. This is not always an easy task, as it is very delicate information which comes through. At times, guardians may find it difficult to hear.

The following Animal Communication came to pass through Christina, the Animal Angel (with the assistance of Archangel Metatron and the Archangelic Realm):
Clare: I feel like this has been quite a run. I have felt the vibrancy of being a wee one, and I understand that when I choose to depart I will be ever so youthful. This is enticing. I wonder how much of my energy and vitality I can truly get back! I feel like we can ask for help and receive healings and get boosted. Yet, is that truly what I want? Oh the bane of existence!
I am learning from the humans. So I get “it” in a bigger picture – this day-to-day stuff is only the small potatoes. And I know I am a loving, spiritual being and I feel like I can be of greater service at times, as a guardian angel. I feel more and more like there is “something else” on the other side that I can be helping with.
So often I take my days and contemplate, “How exciting would that be!?” And I know that my dearest two-legged sister and mother and guardian Marinda is such a gentle spirit that she would help me do whatever I want. She is so compassionate and loving, and I am ever so grateful.
My heart is beaming out a pink-and-gold beam of light that is larger than my cat body life. It is really big – and that is what I wish for you to receive a bit of, Marinda, and follow the flow of kitty gratitude and love. You have made every minute that I have wanted to be here just precious, and you have given so much. I feel like you brought me out from darkness a long time ago and gave me this supreme life. So this has been so special for me.
When I look at “Hmm…. how is it being here, and what about the ‘other side?’” Is that “really above me,” so do I look down?
What is it all about?… and I spend more and more of my time thinking like that. Like, it sounds pretty juicy, and more interesting than trying to keep my body young. And I understand I can come back. So this feels to me like an easy way to choose to tell you, Marinda – and you, dearest angels, that my spirit body feels so much stronger and I am a mere mortal. I know that sounds funny, but that is truly how I feel.
And I see how I gain a lot of spiritual vibrancy when others meditate, and I go along for the ride. It lifts me up, and I feel like I am buoyant, and this feels so much easier and better sometimes – almost more tangible than when I am licking myself. So yes, I am pretty esoteric for a cat – and it is a good thing, so I can make an informed decision. And when I think of all of the glorious loving times we have shared, I am in a supreme state of peace. And my joy comes from thinking about being a guardian from above, so that when I am good and ready… I might be coming back. But romping around as a free and energetic kitten self sounds pretty super! And you, my dearest human mom and caregiver – for all of the times through thick and thin – it does not seem as much fun anymore. It seems more of a trial and a tribulation to think about moving forward.
And I am sorry, I did not mean to pee where I wasn’t supposed to. I am losing some of my extremity control, and my low back feels a little tender, and I think it all relates. So it is as if I think one thing and my body is doing another – and this is not something you deserve!
And I love the idea that you bring in angels and they are here to support me. Yet when I feel their wings and spirit, I feel like I can do that too if I want, and I can make this a choice.
So, truly, it seems like so much work for me to beef up my cute, beautiful body that it does indeed seem easier to be my Spirit Cat Self.
It is a welcoming idea. And I appreciate that you asked, Marinda, and I know you are so psychic the way it is and had a hunch already – yet this level of confirmation is just right. I have so much to give you from my heart, and I want the whole family to know that this has been a very precious time and place for me.
So, if I was “up and at ’em,” I would make lots of cute, pink hearts everywhere! They are like little bubbles – and I send them out to you, as I love everything about being here and it has truly been a gift. It is not a difficult thing to say, and our relationship has been so close, that I know you would do anything for me. I see that over and over again.
So this special check-in is just right. I am not sure how much my three-dimensional body wants to receive more love, and be rejuvenated and activated, as some of my parts have just had it. I get it. And you know it is all okay, because we have shared so much. So you know what is going to happen, don’t you?
I will go up to the kitty fields in the sky, and then I will be giving you signs that I am around you – and you all will laugh, knowing this is me. That is how smart I am. So please know this is very special that you ask and receive now, because this is truly part of my shared love for you. This expanse of angels that I have as a part of our communication – and to have me be able to tell you that I am this advanced, and to watch out for future shared laughs between us – this has been quite a cycle!
And I feel full. I feel appreciative. I feel like I have such a significant spirit that my body is not quite keeping up… and you know we have had so many wonderful hugs and shared times and truly wonderful experiences. And this feels just beautiful right here. This is a good pausing (pawsing) spot… that is a joke. And I just feel good about this.
It helps to have a sounding board, and to be able to share my precious thoughts with you, because humans get very attached and it is not easy. And I am going to just say again how thorough you all have been, and how patient and loving and tender and caring – and so much like a fur family – that it is something I was never certain I would have. So you made this possible.
You and all of your precious hearts here. That is what is amazing – that there has been that much joy shared by this heart, and this nose, these ears, eyes, paws and tail, and that is a lot. It is mind-boggling to me. So that is what I have been doing – thinking about where I have been and know that I am going to have a vibrant body again. It do not even pause and think about the “in-between,” or how I will make the transition.
I believe it will be peaceful most like it is so much more than the bit of discomfort I have had – and so this is an easy decision now.
It took until right now, though. It was not as if last week – which in cat time is like a long time – or even a few meals ago. It is easier to measure by meals. So I feel like this is easy for me to say that I feel like I have more to do, and it is not here! So it is truly an interesting decision, and a choice to have made, and a level of knowingness.
That is so wonderful, and I feel like I got here because of a magical, beaming, glowing, spiraling light when the angels came in before, and showed me more of this magical side of me. They have brought about a new level of brilliance within. And that is very special. I would not have received that if you had not asked your friend for help. So you are truly the wise one, Marinda. You asked for help and allowed me to see an aspect and a part of me that is so deeply intertwined with spirit and Earth and my “people family.” I did not see all of these connections before. I did not feel them in this way until we made a special heart connection. So that is pretty phenomenal. It is as if sometimes the best comes last. And this has been a wonder. So I actually see there are cats and kittens with wings! That looks so cool.
So I feel like that is where I am headed – and thank you for being there on every level for me. Even if you thought I was the most important in the household, I know I led you to believe that. However, I feel very touched, and I often felt small until you gave me all of this love. So it puffed me up so I could feel like a truly significant being. And that takes a lot! So that came from you, and you keeping this whole family and sacred space together! That is very special – and I will continue to tickle you with my whiskers in thanks.
In other words – I do not think I have the words! That is how special we have been together. So I now feel like I have special paws, tail, belly, nose and ears and head, all because of you! I have felt very, very special. And even if sometimes I seemed like had an attitude, I was really only acting as important as you made me feel. So thank you for being such a teammate, and lifting me up so I feel so buoyant. It is easier to be buoyant in a light body than it is with all of these innards inside this fur. So that is what I have come to see and understand. I think it is a lot, and again it is thanks to you, Miranda – you are one special “cat”!
I see what you mean about the angels – they feel really cool. So thanks in a big way to you for getting them in here.
It is like a knock on the cat door… “Oh, you are wondering about other realms?” Especially when you notice the fairies outside! Well, there are many other realms, and this is a good thing to know.
It also feels a lot lighter here in the house since your last (angelic) visit. So this is good, and it feels so complete as I feel stronger – as if I did get a big boost in my heart and body.
So thank you, Marinda, our two-legged guardian, for getting (angelic) help, and for making us feel like we received the help we needed.
So this is my soliloquy. You have been a special treasure, and I am proof of that! I am a special treasure myself. I merely mirror you on many levels. Existential, grateful, thinking, caring and a big heart. So these are my cherished blessings that you have, and you now completely understand my deepest wishes. It did take a while. I was a little wishy-washy at first, but the decision has come easier and easier. And we can also talk once I have wings… just so you know.
Clare the Cat, through the Heart of Christina, the Animal Angel