I thought it ever so befitting to listen to a message from the Snake Nation as we are moving into the Lunar New Year of the Snake (or “Little Dragon,” as it follows the Year of the Dragon), from January 29th through February 16th, 2026.
Also, I would like to discover some affinity with them. To “bring the Snake Nation in,” I imagined a large one wrapped around my heart, pressed heart-to-heart and breathed deeply together. As I am an Essential Oil devotee, I placed oils at the top and base of my spine, on my temples, and at the base of my skull for some added activation. I toned, and then I saw a field of snakes flow into one huge talking snake head in front of me. It was powerfully inspiring. The words came into my heart, and here they are!

Photo Credit: Stephanie Mohan
Snake Kingdom: We are so happy to be heard! We love being represented and listened to. Not many have thought that we have words, yet we do!
We have seen so much from the beginning of time, here on Planet Earth. We have experiences from other realms and we represent dynamic change.
We are transformation!
We are important for this Earth’s Ascension — because we bring love and light from our hearts in a more electromagnetic way, we believe, than many other animals. Perhaps it is because we have such an incredible connection to Earth as we move upon her. And we are in constant contact with her heart, so we feel her pulse. We then radiate that as well as our own hearts. Perhaps this is a reason for many to be overwhelmed with our presence, because we instantly create change in others.
Video Credit: Liz Tufte
We are like all of the elements bundled into one. Sometimes we move people with very strong impactful force of nature, like fire, water, metal, and air all one! We also reside in other realms. We come into people’s dreams. We come into people’s Spirits and into their Journey worlds.
We represent what may be the unknown to many. We have so many colors and shapes that we move across dimensions too. Because of our amazing electromagnetic flow, we stimulate hidden feeling in people that may be scary for some. Or maybe there was a past life when there was a snake involved, and it was a time of fear or great change or cataclysmic happening of one sort or another, so a cellular memory is kept and this is held with the Kingdom of Snakes. And we are really truly loving creatures. We want all energies to flow smoothly. That is why we slide and wiggle; it is a movement of ease.
We continue to nudge gently and to assist change in many by reigniting stagnant energy from Spirit to Earth as we touch hearts. That is how we can assist with allowing more humans and plants and other animals to make a completely smooth transition — and assist with intergalactic ascension. We do not merely work on this planet. We connect other spheres. We also visit individuals in dreams, and this is one special way that we can slide from one dimension into another dimension. Moving from 3D to 4 or 5D and upwards: no problem! We just assume we can do what needs to happen. That is why all flows smoothly from our nose to our tail. We also have many collaborators, who are not only those on land or in water but also those who love trees. We truly make our planet one grand love fest! You can look at us as living, connecting, encompassing hearts that connect all parts of the planet.
We come into people’s auras with these dynamic levels of change. We can help shamanic practitioners and people who are open to listening or to creating change within themselves and others by helping the electromagnetic flows. We ignite and move energy from chakra to chakra, from above into the eighth chakra, from past even into present and then moving into the future. We lead and allow. These are fine qualities to assist many with change. One has to change as the cosmos and ecosystem change — so we are all about that! We make change gradual for others. We lead by example, showing you how to move from one place to another, all in a magical, flowing movement. Notice our abilities. We are creators of change. You can do a little mind meld or heart meld with our kingdom or realm, with our nation of moving, sliding cosmic light and change.
We are instigators of change. We move from one place to another at a moment’s notice. We are also protectors. Sometimes many do not understand this. We have only positive intentions in mind. We love to think that we assist many different kingdoms to happily coexist. We feel as though we are bridges from humans into the animal kingdom. Our amazing abilities number so many, we truly think we are limitless! This is our message to you.

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Know that you can connect with the great expanse. You are all of these various dimensions and realms together. We are so connected. Our hearts connect with yours.
Perhaps you would like to communicate with us and our transformative energy? Connect your heart to ours. Ask a question. What do you notice? Perhaps an answer comes to mind, or a vision — something will give you a message of light. We are warriors of light. We carry this light, this dynamic energy, from Spirit to Earth, from water to air. We move it all around with grace and incredible ease. We are messengers of light. Watch us. We are mesmerizing. We can assist you with moving into a trance state, should you so desire.
Maybe you would like us to work with you in your dreams and send us on a journey?
We can bring information back to you. You can even see yourself in another time and place by looking through our eyes as we go into a past life for you.
Or you can even see the future through our eyes. We have seen it all. We even see the planet from above.
We know how very important it is to work as a team. We are one. We are not really separate. What affects us affects you. So maybe it is better to see us as a team. That is how we truly want to be understood — as team players, as messengers of light.
We carry so much love in our hearts that it is important to listen closely. You can see messages in our eyes. We give you a lot of information, so maybe you just want to listen with your heart. That is easy enough. That is often how we receive messages, because our hearts are so close to the elements and Gaia truly beats her heart through us. Even stars beat their heart lights through us because we are stardust-filled creatures of change.
We represent transformation on many levels. You can see us as just that — Cosmic messengers and creators of change. Yay, team!