Ignite Your Kundalini

What you will notice is that my light reignites the blissful spirit within.
It awakens your kundalini and allows your love within to radiate as a brilliant light without. This will give you the reassurance you need to move forward from a place of fear, stagnation or uncertainty
So, with my Sacred Robe of lLght, I envelop you. I bless you. Imagine my flow of light encompassing you in such a way that you are in a womb of deep azure-blue light. It is almost a purple hue. Allow this to move from your crown, down your shoulders, and around your heart, your sexual center, and your legs, so you are encompassed in a beautiful womb-like opening. It is as if you are folded into an egg, with the center of the robes open, creating a vaginal-like opening. That is truly it! This becomes your birthing womb.
Next, you receive a flow of orange and gold light. This is the inner source of my light which reignites a fury within that you may have been missing. This light that I give to you, allows your kundalini to rise, safely and securely as a healing spiritual vibration. Allow this to rise up and then down your spine.
Know that this spiritual love and light connects you to Spirit, to Earth, to my Divine Light. You can connect to this at any time with your breath and your heart. These are your spiritual keys: your Breath and your Heart.
You can use this as a way to understand the abundance in the Universe: it is truly a flow of light inwards. It is something that awaits you at your door – it is a doorway into your heart. So as you align with passion for your work, your creative spirit, and your projects that serve, this is the same and you are all One in Spirit. There is no boundary to limit you receiving what is yours.
This is part of your spiritual path: to receive fully, to feel this inner magnificence, and allow it to radiate within and without. This ability to reunite with a feeling of glory and light brings you to a state of Bliss. Feel how your heart is now open, you feel connected to your spiritual sexuality, to feel your body as it now reverberates to something much greater than this safe place of wonder and curiosity you are so blessed with. It has changed into an inner knowing. That is the gift I give to you.
These are my robes of Abundant Light. They create change from within. You allow, as you ask, and you receive. It is a very simple process and you were guided to these words, through this divine channel, for your health, your supreme state of well-being, for you to flourish and prosper on all levels.
This sacred flow of light into your being, from that which is below and that which is above, brings you into a full circle of healing and blessing so you can receive fully.
Give thanks for your connections to your friends and family. Give thanks to what you are receiving, for it is a magnificent blessing that is yours to claim. It is now that you have the strength and great ability to ask out loud and to receive, feeling it flowing from within and attracting the appropriate people, connections, and divine level of knowing just what is right for you.
Blessings to you with my Robes of inner and Outer Light for you to shine and prosper,
Mary Magdalene