Mayan Aluxe, Jaguars and Snakes, Oh My!

Could Our Answer Be With Nonhuman Teachers?

By Christina A. Gerber

June lived in a beautiful area, close to a jungle in the Yucatan on the Mexican Riviera. There was a lot of rugged nature there. This stunning, exotic beauty proved to be both a joy and a land of mysticism and wonder — and it was all right in her backyard!

She got my name from Sheri, a mutual friend and fellow animal lover. A year ago I had shared some helpful animal-communication skills with her when they were needed. A missing cat that came home after disappearing for a week? Check! Solution? United, focused, intentional heart beams that showed her kitty the way home!

June IM’d me and we connected with a sense of urgency and a missing dog story I had never before heard the likes of!

Missing Dogs in the Jungle — Jaguars and Snakes — Oh my!

“Two of my dogs ran away into the jungle, Cupcake and Charlotte (“Cholo*”), and it’s going on six days! Can you help me get them back? There are jaguars and large snakes there!” June spewed out.

I felt a big pit forming in my stomach, as these connections are so special. When reconnecting with family members, I find them filled with such a primal, and emotional heart-bond, that I feel it so deeply.

Before jumping into this scary-sounding situation, we joined hearts and asked together, “Was her black Cholo still alive?”

We both received a positive answer that “Yes, she was!”

Truth be told, this made me feel much more secure signing on to help reunite them.

Then we also asked guides, plus the two dogs themselves, about her boxer mix, Cupcake. She had become like a nanny to the other dogs still at home. She had assumed this responsibility since the “grandpa” to the other rescue dogs in her family, Magic, sadly had recently passed.

Four dogs looking like. a family on a doorstep.
Kivy, Cupcake, Cholo/Charlotte and Magic, the Tribe of Rescues

Thank goodness, after we connected our hearts with a magenta beam of light and used our bodies like pendulums, we both received an affirmative answer.

Backtracking a bit, I had wondered what would scare off her babies into a possible life-threatening situation? Being the scanner and tracker that I am, I could not help but notice a large, dark shadow behind her and in her space.

As she was in such a state of worry and beside herself, we did some energy healing together so she could calm and invite in her loved ones with just that — love. We wanted to send her babies that message to welcome them home, from our joined hearts. We used a pink and gold heart beam to guide them home safely. She got it, felt it and was excited about this process.

We set up a time the following day for us to gather, and so I could scan ahead and clear what I was seeing around her.

Just a short while before our appointment, June wrote that she needed to cancel, as some of the townsfolk had reported a sighting of Charlotte.

I found out later that Charlotte had come home and immediately “marked” the floor in a couple of ways, which she had never done before! I have found that dogs will scratch or “mark” when there is negative energy that needs to be dealt with. They are like four-legged detectives!

I began to confirm with “my team,” asking for as much assistance per square inch as possible!

Galactic Team Communication

My Team Earth partner, Terra Rae, and I were ceremoniously doing healings for Gaia, for us, for others, and for the Solar System, Elements and more. We began by inviting any one of our guides in as an individual Ascended Master or Archangel to assist with the process. This had grown to become quite a list: The Archangels, Gaia, St Germain, The Galactic Federation of Loving Light, Lady Nada, the “Christed Team”…you get the idea. Her brilliant idea (back in 2011) was to have us invite them all in, have them introduce themselves to one another and work with us as our Galactic Team. And so it was!

I called in the Galactics to assist in finding June’s tan boxer baby, as her long absence was such a frightening scenario. Before I met again with June, I asked “the Teams” to assist in uniting Cupcake with June and her tribe of rescues. I immediately saw a large black dog around “us.” This was Magic, who had recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge, the grandpa dog of her rescues. He was volunteering his services. Then I saw fairies or elementals in the forest, wanting to participate. All hands, wings and paws were on board! I saw the team banding together like a guiding light.

June and I connected at our newly appointed time in a video call. I let her know how Magic was helping and how the fairies in the jungle were also on board. June said with much familiarity that yes, they are the Aluxes, the Mayan elementals that the townspeople had all spoken about. These guardians protect the Yucatan and the villages, and evidently many stories have been passed down about them through generations.

We joined hearts and invited this healing and clearing to assist the area, and the lineage of the dogs we were connecting with — along with her own lineage and the townsfolk. We also began to clear the area of spirits of animals and people that were still lurking about. She had been feeling jinxed and was having difficulties with some property, which was all connected to this darkness or curse. What is possible? Especially with our Galactic Team helping!

After the healing, clearing, refilling and grounding ceremony, we continued to send our intentions with our heart beams to guide Cupcake home safely. Then all we could do was wait.

Squirrels on Earth and Stars Above

The next day I went to a book signing of essays by ecologist Peter Warshall, Squirrels on Earth and Stars Above, edited by Parker Hatley. As it turns out, Peter Warshall was the initiator of the Yucatan jaguar preserve, back in 2011. Later that day, Cupcake miraculously emerged from the jungle! Thanks, compassionate jaguars, for helping keep Cupcake and Charlotte safe for a week!

Peter Warshall also created, as he had the imagination to help deepen the relationship between humans and the natural world. May the plants and animals around us inspire us to connect, foster compassion, preserve and co-create with nature. What is possible?

* “Cholo” is an easy way to pronounce “Xolo,” the nickname for the Xoloitzcuintle — — the Mexican Hairless dog breed.

Poster with Pictures of the lost dogs.
Poster for the Towns Folk Help Find the Runaways: Cupcake and Charlotte/Xolo.