Metatron: It is with ease, and a great level of mightiness that we both come to share this elegant Ray of Abundance with you. Your gifts are truly heaven-sent and we are here to assist you to create them in a more magnificent way. When you send them out from within, you attract more “like” energy to yourself. So we shall assist your magnification with this Ray from the both of us.
Begin by feeling some deep breaths within and continuing to relax, allowing our energies to surround you.
Goddess Mary: I bring forth my divine light in a soft pacifying way, which comes in tints of sky blue, with white brilliant light and gold flecks. They swirl around you clockwise from above. I emanate these colors now for you to feel and integrate so you are reinforced by my energy on another level. Yes, notice that my loving energy is filled with tenderness, with relief, and with an ease that surrounds you and envelops you. Allow my presence to soothe you so you allow yourself to create an harmonic resonance with this blissful state. Breathe all of my heart energy into you so you are bathed in my light.
That is how I can assist your transition or reinforcement to attracting all that is in alignment to you as a reward you for your work, your spiritual connection and your heart light which is emanating from your spirit and soul. Realize this Abundant Ray which we share with you is for your recognition and honoring of yourself. That is the beginning: to see and feel your own brilliant light. My robe and tender light which brings forth your own inner tenderness is for you to specifically feel how important your ‘soft side’ is.
This is what others wait to see, to hear and to know. This is how one progresses from the tender heart space, to sharing that with others and then to allow for your own reward and reception of this. The security is knowing that you are going forth on a gentle path that gives others warmth and security within themselves. This can be done in a business world as that is often what is missing. Know that you will attract those with similar designs: to bring heart into business so that is only multiplies and allows you to bring forth your own treasured heart essence.
Metatron: Allow yourselves now to truly feel my presence as I bring forth a resounding, brilliant purple and vivid spring green. This is something to create a diamond around your body with so that you feel as though you are making this transition from the tender heart place to one that is grounded in such a way that you feel strong with this loving energy. My contribution of this Ray of Strength and Honor is to give you a strong feeling of vibrant health so you are balanced with your loving divine energy. We want you to be protected in such a way that you feel your own inner strength, giving you the confidence you need to make any big decisions. If you are at a crossroads, then you are able to resonate from a frequency of gentle strength and lion-heartedness. When you feel strong within your body and heart it serves to guide you so you naturally take the right steps, meet the best people to propel you forward along this vital living heart-path. What you may notice is the electrical vibration I bring to magnify all that resounds within to revitalize your cells. Then the heart essence reverberates within and without so your own confident Self is bright and without doubt.
When you are indeed able to move forward with your heart, you will notice that it brings great joy and allows you to smile as you are in alignment with your heart choice, with your heart path, and it may make you laugh and smile more often that not. Bring forth the element of sound in your day and hum. It is easy to be happy and smiling when you are humming or singing. Invoke this spirit of heart energy now and tone with your vibrant breath to ground this magnificent Diamond Ray of Strength and honor within.
Take these lessons with you so you attract new light into your life and are revitalized along your path each day in a new passionate way. You will be receiving more offers for your services just by your new level of happiness. Choose to honor your joy!
With brilliant diamond heart-lights,
Metatron and Goddess Mary
May these assist your intentions, evolution and creations!