I met Terrie just before my wedding in 1988, as she was married to my husband-to-be’s best man Randy. We became fast friends, with a mutual love for animals and concocting recipes.
Fifteen years later we were still connected and checking in with one another.
When I rang Terrie up this fine summer morning, she informed me she was busy covering all of her furniture with visqueen because her newly adopted pair of sister cats were tearing up their furniture. What?!
Their veterinarian said he had two Siamese sisters, Iris and Sapphire, who needed homes. Terrie’s Siamese cat, Opal, had just passed away, so she was welcoming these new furry, four-legged family members with open arms. She was looking forward to snuggling and cuddling with them, hoping they would both sit in her lap. Her husband was a big cat lover as well.
However, since their arrival, both Iris and Sapphire were afraid to come out of hiding, only sneaking out to eat after Terrie left the room. Alas, it was not the comforting and loving bond she had hoped for.
Curiously enough, their vet let Terrie know that if she needed to bring the cats back – well, that would be just fine. Hmmmm.

I invited her and her cats to have a healing time with the angels while we were on the phone. She decided to give it a try.
As I tuned in, I “saw” how the 100-year old house and property needed energy clearing, not only of previous people, but also of animals’ energies.
There was, it appeared, some fear that the kitties had from some time in the past – another life, their previous family – who knew? These were the basics we would start with.

Photo: Spiral Galaxy, NASA
We brought in this huge spiral of counterclockwise white and gold angelic light, spinning around them and then under their three-story wooden home.
The minute this began, the cats came out from their hiding spots and sat near Terrie’s feet where she was standing and looked up from side to side, as if to say “What’s going on?”
We weren’t on speaker phone, so it wasn’t my voice. Did they clearly notice the change in the energy around them?
Terrie was feeling a little tired and decided to lie down on her sofa during the session. I suggested that she “tone,” (sound different notes), visualize the cats and connect with their hearts. With the angels’ help, I began clearing the energy among all of them as a family, and then around each of the cats’ (and humans’!) bodies as well. I paid special attention to their hearts and heads, balancing and grounding them. Within a short period of time, Terrie’s new family members hopped onto her belly!
Over the next few days, I learned that Iris and Sapphire were no longer tearing up the furniture. Success! Now they were out and about, and comfortably eating when Terrie was feeding them – no problem! She was amazed and delighted, and they lived together happily for another 17 years!
Is there anything we can do to keep our energy up, on, grounded and protected to help positively affect our other human and feline family members? Isn’t it worth daily contemplation and intention?
We are not isolated beings, as we affect others in this heart-web of light. It feels as though we are truly having an impact – as I notice daily in the healing realm, with our animal family members, who often reflect us.
As they are Earth guardians, this is one way in which we can contribute in one heartfelt manner.