Owl Amakua


Owl Blessing in Desolation Wilderness

After gathering what I could and with my arms full I headed back to the campsite. About 15  feet before the campsite I turned to view the expanse of the meadow.

I spied a very large bird, and it appeared as though  it’s body was three foot and bright white.Was that really a six-foot wing span? Amazing! I was in awe. I am sure my draw dropped!

They were flying right over  to me now.

Would the feet touch my head I wondered?

Only 18 inches above my head this magnificent white owl set out upon their journey flying above me and then curving higher upwards over the  surrounding trees.

When Jay returned, I told him of my encounters. His response?

He said “That is impossible! Owls hunt at night. And deer would not just peacefully stand so close.

As I mentioned, camping is such a good test for a relationship…

When  we returned to our homes, a day later I found a show on PBS about one of the most rare owls in North America. It  was was the owl I saw — the Snowy White owl! It is evidently rare to see in the wild and they were migrating from Canada into Desolation Wilderness, lucky us! Thank you amazing owl!

Do you have a power animal or Amakua?

Have you received signs when asking for a message form the Universe?

Do you journey with a totem animal?