#PastLife Clearing of a Dog ~ with Angel Help!
Brigitte called asking for help for her pooch Vinnie. She wanted to make sure he was OK, as she was thinking about moving, selling her home and business and leaving him up for adoption.

Vinnie was curled up in pain, shivering in a corner. The veterinarian could not diagnose what it was, however he suggested it may be related to a past life (!)
I tuned in and immediately a vision of Vinnie’s past life came into focus. Vinnie had saved Brigitte in another life and had taken a spear in his left side! She confirmed that was the exact same side Vinnie was licking and protecting.
I called in the Archangels with Archangel Metatron and I was assured that Vinnie was indeed an angel here on earth and he had saved Brigitte in other lifetimes as well.
I invited in Vinnie’s Fifth Dimension (or Spirit Body) into my home office and asked him if he would like to receive a healing. He was indeed excited to receive healing, and responded with a resounding “Yes!”
With permission, I started some shamanic healing work, preparing his 5D body, then proceeded carefully, as I had laid out the sequence earlier.
Once his other-dimensional spear was removed through the timelines, Brigitte let me know that Vinnie popped up and was looking perkier! I asked Brigitte if there was anything else we would want to look at in our time together.
She slowly revealed she had felt so depressed over the last nine months that she was concerned about where she was headed and had even been considering ending her life.
Over the last year, she had received healings from nearly 30 practitioners, Brigitte had not received the relief or the change she was looking for.
I let Brigitte know I appreciated her sharing so deeply. Did her dog “bring her to me” to receive a helaing and clearing? I think so as thi sis not the first time this has happened.
I assured her we could absolutely address this. In addition, we could also do a clearing for her home and her business, to help them both sell.
I then chose to clear the energy under her house, in her yard and in all of her rooms, to make sure there was nothing immediately around her affecting her. There was a reason to release spirits of other people and animals who had lived there as well.
The Archangels assisted and worked upwards from the Heart of Gaia. I noticed a huge tornado-like sweep of energy, and simultaneously Brigette felt it all around them! After their clearing the angels made sure wherever there was a release it was transformed and then filled up with light. We made certain all was then grounded and added protection around these areas, and all beings, fairies included, as well.
For the next several days, Brigitte texted me photos of beautiful flowers she saw upon her contemplative walks. There was an angelic guidance she felt. She also shared that in the past 50 years, she did not understand what people meant when they spoke of “Joy.” Now, since the remote clearing of her spaces, Vinnie and herself she truly understood it! For the first time ever she felt Joy!
Within a short while her house and her business both sold! Brigitte decided to keep her protector, Vinnie, and they went on to have many adventures and travel together. A happy ending for all!