Message from a Solar Divine Being
Our beautiful essence of love, of light of a balanced masculine and feminine as one Divine Celestial Being of Light here ~
Here to illuminate, to hout the divine masculine and feminine within.
So bringing forward the light, the fire, the brilliance the living light coming from the heart of this glorious Solar Being of Light this is part of my message.
As the eclipse is opening to share our united message of emotional balance and bringing forward your true heart essence, and your love.
As this is specifically what this time is about — to share your heartfelt message.
Illuminate what is deep within your heart. And listen. Be part of this glorious process!
For you are now able to share in this glory. To bring forth what you perhaps had hidden within.
And this is part of how you may magnify your message. Listen and bring out that hidden part of yourself within.
Then notice the yearning, perhaps of a balanced masculine needing to have a say, or the divine feminine within so you may feel that yin and yang. This is part of the grounded brilliance within.
.Allow yourself to feel the emotional brilliance lit up — so our Luna Love can be a part of this process— stating the message you have not touched upon for some time and bring this to the surface.
What have you been holding within your heart and not yet given it a voice? This is the balanced solar loving light, allowing my brilliant chakras to shine within you and bring out what perhaps has been hidden,
Or release what may be keeping you from sharing your light.
What has kept you from being a part of this incredible process of honoring your Self?
Or perhaps there are parts of you waiting to share a message?
So bring out those Selves that are now ready to have a voice!
Perhaps this incredible energy will have you shout your message — of being able to know, to understand and be the voice within your heart.
Have you hidden parts of your brilliant Self?

It is time to create, to expand, to know just how incredibly important your messages are.
You can dive deep within and bring this golden expansive light of my heart into yours and share it with each of your chakras as you are warmed and ready to expand.
As my sun beam could do
To warm you from within warming your heart.
This is time to invite and to share this warmth and fire of the time. It is no longer time to keep these messages under wraps or hidden away.
For when you are not sharing your expansive ideas, this is when more light and heart energy can serve each of your organs and your heart. So you are shining your brilliance and illuminating all from within. It is time to be in the spotlight!
How would you like to serve from being a part of this incredible golden lit grid of loving light? It is truly a beautiful time to magnify your essence.
your incredible journey upon this earth and connect with other realms and within you.For as you listen and magnify the magnanimous heart energy within you, you can tap into hearing, seeing and feeling other realms and beings as you choose.
The first step is listening deep within. How would you like to expand and expound upon your message of light?Do you see, hear or feel that which is deep within your heart?
Take some breaths and open yourself up to a Golden Ray of Sound and Color and Light. Breathe within the peace and feel the magnified essence of the heart of this Solar expansion and the Heart of Gaia to you.
Feel grounded in this Flight of Light.
It is an incredible time to be a part of all that is and enlighten and give others a message of beauty, of bounty of being able to be part of the contribution of lifting others up and forward.
As you do this you are also doing this for yourself.
So know — that as you carry previously-hidden messages from another time or another memory that you are just now tapping into
with your expanded higher Self — then you are bringing up a new level of as union.
A new level of growth of reaching outwards and forwards into celestial brilliance.
As we are united at the heart to expand and share this glorious Golden Ray of solar brilliance, know that our heart connection, you, and me as the sun —nglorious celestial blessed Being of Light here — brings you up and out from wherever you have been hiding or keeping parts of yourself from even you.!
It is time to lift yourself up with this emergence.Bring the Golden Ray of Light into your ever-expanding Being. Know that this connection can be a part of you sharing a Goddess message of balanced energies.
Feel the true divine loving light of balanced masculine and feminine here to share with all that is.
You may wish to shout it into the sky or clouds and know that your cells will expand that the plants and small animals near. This will absolutely be a part of your support and growth.
So sharing this heartfelt message or messages, It will give you (bring forth) a new radiant essence within.
It may serve to allow you to smile from the inside out and all of our other celestial bodies will also magnify this essence for we are part of a galactic system of light.
Know as you share a message of inspiration, this serves to magnify the incredible stardust of our solar system our true universal heart-light and our intrinsic connection to this space and time system of light.
As you emerge and expound upon your message you are able to be illuminated by my heart as a Being of light in unison with you and giving
you the Stardust Blessing that is needed to ignite you on another level.
What this union serves to do is bring forth a unified heart community by expanding your desires your abilities and sharing them with others bringing out your own essence and serving to ignite other hearts so absolutely this is my message:
to be a part of this illuminating Golden Ray, Fairy essence and the message is once again — love!
So expand your heart and to listen deep within so you can share your deepest thoughts.
It is all a part of your sharing in community, sharing in the connection of hearts around you however you see that as part of your mission.
Truly I illuminate your mission for it is to give yourself wings of light and to know what you want to move forward with this.
It is all a part of this stardust brilliance we all share.We are going to move forward lifting others up to a new level.
Take this message of understanding, of compassion, of desire to move, shake up and participate fully so you are experiencing all of your divine essence.

Feel this Golden Ray of Light illuminating all within so you are ignited. Feel the shared heart-lights and being able to know just how to share in wonder, curiosity and to contribute so you can be united, in union with others and collaborate so you all may share in a new level of wonder and expansion.
Notice how can it be better than that!
Open yourselves up to another level of expansion and possibility from a new sense of childlike wonder of what is new and how can we be together!
Blessings from a radiant loving Golden Heart Ray of your Divine Solar Sister/Brother Being giving you a new inspirational message. Yes it is so and it is Blessed
Enjoy this eclipse on all levels!
Bring it into your Heart, Mind and Spirit ~