Perhaps my team of Guides can assist us in moving from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension of Light and Beingness. What does moving from 3D to 5D even mean?
This begins my series of interviews of my guides of Archangels, Goddesses, different Teams of Light and Ascended Masters.
I thought I would ask Yeshua today, so I brought him in.We have been working together, with healings, Healing Rays and channeling, since 2009 when Archangel Metatron introduced Yeshua to me.
Yeshua: 5D is an expanded resonance of knowing, participating, sharing, co-creating and Being Love. This openness is an allowing vortex of giving and receiving. It is a divine and grounded presence.
Bringing my robe down over you will assist in this conversion process. It is a divine elevation of you.
Intention: This is to embrace your Being and to lift you up into a newly evolved frequency.Sense that this is coming all around you, as I am doing just that – enveloping you in it.
This begins my series of interviews of my guides of Archangels, Goddesses, different Teams of Light and Ascended Masters.
I thought I would ask Yeshua today, so I brought him in.
We have been working together, with healings, Healing Rays and channeling, since 2009 when Archangel Metatron introduced Yeshua to me.
5D is an expanded resonance of knowing, participating, sharing, co-creating and Being Love. This openness is
an allowing vortex of giving and receiving. It is a divine and grounded presence.
Yeshua: Bringing my robe down over you will assist in this conversion process. It is a divine elevation of you.
Intention: This is to embrace your Being and to lift you up into a newly evolved frequency.
Sense that this is coming all around you, as I am doing just that – enveloping you in it.

Breathe it through, down and over your head, over your shoulders. It even comes around your torso, hips, legs and down to your feet. Notice it moving below your feet, downwards, as a thank you and a love beam or ray to Goddess Gaia’s heart? It is so.
The rippling waves come with a sound. It is different for each and every recipient. It is a balancing symphony of sounds – the “music of the spheres” – to calm your system.You may hear it or feel it. If it is not evident, know that it is coursing through your auric field and all of your bodies.
You may feel it light down around you as your blessed Being ignites, tingles and feels illuminated, magnifying your presence.This Blessing Robe of Light hovers around your body, vibrating and floating.You may notice colors of gold, violet, blue and white.It may feel like a clockwise river of light around your body.
My Experiential Vision:
I see and feel and notice a texture of rich, voluptuous, ruby-colored tones and hues, too. Looking up I “see” a conical shape of light, which has a bright, fresh-air aroma like a dewy morning. Wavy streams of illuminating bright light are encompassing me as if I am in a river flow.
Yeshua: It moves into the heart of Gaia, back up over your Soul Star Chakra, then through you and up to my heart and back down around you.
Magnify all of this organic flow of light, opening and blessing you by toning, humming, swaying, moving in any manner you choose.
You may notice that the vibrations hover around those areas requesting healing. Allow your breath to focus in any area.
Keep a loud, full “Aaaahhh,” “AAAA” tone at your heart center to open up more fully for our heart connection. Use different tones and sounds to enrich your organs and chakras with this opening, awakening your cells to a new resonance.
Take some time to allow this recalibration, this infusion of love and divine light.Continue to receive this attunement, allowing it to permeate you.
Did you notice the flow moving up and down from you?
Are you opening your Self up to something “greater than?”
Know that this infusion of Light is allowing your cells to sparkle, and that your frequency is reaching greater heights with this jet-propelled boost.

Continue to use this recalibration to register on another level. Are colors brighter; are sounds richer and more vibrant?
Open yourself up to more possibilities of Universal flow and support so you can receive and create with greater ease.
This connection and expansion allows you to co-create a universal presence that is love, radiating within and without.
Take some time to allow this recalibration and infusion of love and Divine Light.
Continue to receive this attunement, allowing it to permeate you.
Do you notice the flow moving up and down from you?
Are you opening your Self up to something “greater than”
Know that this infusion is making your cells sparkle, and that your frequency is reaching greater heights like a jet-propelled boost.
Continue to use this recalibration to register on another level.
Are colors brighter; are sounds richer and more vibrant?
Open yourself up to limitless possibilities – for the time is now.
With peace and radiant love,
May we be bringers of Peace and Unity together!
Yeshua gave me a Series of Healing Rays. If you wish to receive an Abundance Ray, email me!
Thank you for this beautiful meditation with Yeshua.