Zeke was referred to me because his companion Radar, a Staffordshire Terrier/pitbull, had some mysterious pain in his paw. Zeke saw Radar limp and wince with pain while they were out walking, but couldn’t find anything wrong with it, even after checking it meticulously. He felt the need for something other than an X-ray.
I meditated on this and understood I could indeed be of service and help them. When I “looked in” and connected with the various energies around them both, I began to see layers of darkness around them. Even a past-life scenario popped up.
My experience has been that our friends and animal family members in our current lives have most likely been with us before.
What I saw was hundreds of discarnate beings, floating around them, in another dimension. Was I seeing this correctly?
At our appointed time Zeke called me, and as soon as we began, Radar came over and plopped in his lap while he was sitting in his living room chair. This was the first time Radar had ever done this. We were not on speakerphone, yet it seemed Radar just sensed something was going to happen.
I hesitated then shared with Zeke the disturbing, yet realistic vision that appeared to me of all these floating beings looking for assistance. They were “stuck.” They looked relieved now that they were being seen and heard.
“Sure, that makes sense, as I have seen hundreds of people die,” Zeke shared.
Zeke was absolutely on board with having the Archangelic Realm assisting and helping these beings. I shared the vision I had in my 5D scanning in which I saw them both (yes, all six legs!) in a war-torn scene. Zeke was wounded and lying on the ground, along with many others. Radar ran over to help his trusted friend. While running over to Zeke, Radar stepped on some broken glass, wounding his front left paw.
I saw that the glass was still in Radar’s “spirit-body” paw. I then gently removed the glass shard that I “saw” in Radar’s paw pad.

I was doing this in my office, about 20 miles away from Zeke and Radar’s home.
Almost instantly, Radar looked up at Zeke, slid down from his lap, and stood on all fours with relief. Radar smiled his incredible doggy smile. He gently woofed and wagged his tail, sharing his excitement.
I asked Zeke if he had anything else going on that he could use our help with during this energy clearing. He shared with me that he had been deeply depressed for the last three months and that he had hardly moved from his bed except to walk Radar. He also could not find another housemate to help with the mortgage, as many people were distrustful of pitbulls.
I worked with the Spirit or 5D bodies of Zeke and Radar, their house and property, along with the angels. I wanted to make sure that the long-ago battlefield where so many were injured in the previous life they shared could also be cleared of the pain, terror and suffering.
As this magical ceremony drew to a close, I saw families, people, dogs and angels all smiling with incredible gratitude that this had transpired.
Even in other dimensions, I heard the cheering crowd of families who were welcoming their loved ones home, thanking Zeke, Radar and the Archangelic Realm.
Thanks, Radar, for bringing Zeke to us for healing!
The following day, when I checked in with them, Radar was not limping at all! Zeke had more energy than ever, eagerly springing out of bed as his depression had miraculously disappeared!
For yet another level of completion, Zeke ceremoniously burned all the pictures he had of his friends who had died. I checked in with both Zeke and Radar over the next few days and weeks. Zeke chose to sell his home and move to another, smaller, more affordable place across the bay so the two of them could be comfortable together. Now that is true love!
I am grateful to have met them all and to have been able to assist as an Angelic Intuitive.
I wanted to share this story as I see daily in my healing work how intertwined we all are. The timelines, lifetimes and this incredible web of connected hearts and lights are all so amazingly interwoven.
We are not alone – or separate from others, even plants and animals and our precious planet.
Does it make you wonder how can we lift up one another in our lives today?